Maths Implementation: How we teach and learn...
Each class has 5 maths lessons a week, for an hour a day. The lessons are set out as follows to ensure each child is taught at the correct pace for their age.
Year group A |
Taught teacher input |
Do it Secure it Deepen it |
Independent fluency practice |
Review and create ‘Top Tip’ |
Year group B |
Independent fluency practice |
Taught teacher input |
Do it Secure it Deepen it |
Review and create ‘Top Tip’ |
As well as this, classes have 'Maths Meetings' planned in the afternoons. In EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, they use this time to follow the Nrich Mastering Number programme. KS2 teachers use these sessions for pre-teach, same-day interventions, deepening understanding and developing reasoning.
What does maths teaching look like in KS1?
"Children are well-prepared for key stage 1 because the school provides a range of aspirational activities for them to develop writing skills and a secure understanding of number." (Ofsted May 2024)
What does maths teaching look like in KS2?
KS2 Maths: Shape